Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe
Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe

2021 Štoka Izbrani Teran

2021 Štoka Izbrani Teran
Štoka (Shtoe-kah)
Kras, Slovenia (Kraush)
100% Teran (Teh­Rahn)
Red Karst (Terra Rossa)
Wild fermentation in temperature control Stainless Steel for 8 days
3.4 g/l
7.42 g/l

Notes & Pairings

“Izbrani Teran PTP” is a further classification of Teran PTP. “Izbrani” could be compared to the Italian “Classico” designation. Blood red in color, briny, and amaro scented with Alpine forest fruits and Mediterranean herbs, this wine is perfumed with plenty of natural acidity. Naturally high in resveratrol, lactic acid, and iron, Teran has a medicinal history dating back to Roman Times. Livia Drusilla, wife of Roman Emperor Augustus, was said to favor Teran and lived to the then impossible old age of 82. Traditionally served with cured meats, and salty rare steaks, legs of pršut (Slovenian Prosciutto) even hang in the caves used to age this wine. Decanting is recommended for at least 30 min before serving.

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