Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe
Importer of Memorable Wines from the New Old World of Eastern and Central Europe

2019 Tokaj Nobilis Furmint Rány Dűlő

2019 Tokaj Nobilis Furmint Rány Dűlő
Tokaj Nobilis
Tokaj, Hungary (Tok-eye)
100% Furmint
Continental (hot summers & cold winters)
humus-poor top soil over rhyolite bedrock
100% Hungarian 220L Oak
2.5 g/l
7.3 g/l

Notes & Pairings

This is the first time we’ve gotten our hands on this single vineyard. Nestled in between the villages of Tolcsva and Olaszliszka, Rány has been classified as a 1st Class Dűlő since 1798, and in 1876 the village of Olaszliszka listed it as a “principal” Dűlő. The current planting is around 60 years old and farmed organically. 5 or so different producers make wine from here and they are all remarkable. Despite the accolades, it’s been largely neglected until recently because it’s extremely rocky and difficult to farm. It destroys most tools and takes a ton of manual labor. Tokaj isn’t short on malic acid, but this site seems to channel and shape it better than most. It’s full of energy and screams Tokaj from every angle.

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